IPATool - Download IPA files from App Store

How to download IPA files from App Store

You can download IPA files of iOS apps that are available on the App Store using IPATool on your PC. This tool is a command line tool and for you to download IPAs, your account should have the license of the relevant app.

An Apple ID connected to the App Store is a key requirement to use IPATool, and your credentials are safe using the tool because the tool only communicates with Apple servers directly.

IPATool supports macOS, Windows, and Linux too. In this article, we’ll walk you through,

  1. IPA Tool features
  2. Commands
  3. How to install and compile IPATool?
  4. FAQ

Top IPATool Features

  1. You can download encrypted IPA files of the iOS Apps on App Store from your PC using IPATool. First, you need to log into the App Store using your Apple ID.
  2. You can only download an IPA if your account has the relevant license for the app you attempt to download.
  3. It lets you revoke App store credentials, search for IPAs, download IPAs and purchase app licenses using the commands below.
  4. IPATool gives you the ability to repack an encrypted IPA package as a placeholder. This feature works from iOS 15 – iOS 15.5 beta 5 for apps that are permanently installed on A12 – A15 devices.

IPATool Commands

1. Auth Command

Auth command serves two purposes. Firstly, you can log in to the App Store using this command. Secondly, it enables you to revoke App Store credentials.

2. Search Command

The Search command can be used for following purposes.

  • Search names of iOS apps
  • View versions of the apps
  • Set codes for iTunes Store
  • Limit your search query by defining the device family
  • Limit the result of your search

3. Purchase Command

The purchase command enables you to buy a license for your desired app, so you can proceed to download the IPA file.

4. Download Command

IPATool Download command is used to save the IPA file of your choice. By default, IPATool runs in interactive mode. However, if you are in an automated environment, you should use the -- non-interactive flag as shown in the image below.

There is a Python version of IPATool for Windows and Linux users to download IPA files from App Store. The commands are as; Lookup (for search), Historyver, Purchase, and Download.

Install IPATool

Latest Version – IPATool 2.0.0


  • A supported OS – macOS, Windows, Linux
  • Valid Apple ID set up with App Store

Click the button below to get IPATool that supports your PC and OS. (Once clicked scroll down to the Assets section)

Get IPATool on macOS/ Windows/ Linux →

If you use macOS, use Homebrew to install IPATool.

$ brew tap majd/repo

$ brew install ipatool

Compile IPATool

To compile, use Go toolchain command as stated below.

  • $ go build -o ipatool

Use the following command to execute unit tests.

  • $ go test -v github.com/majd/ipatool/...


1. Will my Apple ID credentials be safe with IPATool?

Of course. The reason for the safety of your Apple ID credentials is that they are not saved in any remote server, but are directly communicated to the Apple servers only.

2. Is there a risk of my Apple ID getting flagged?

There is a slight possibility of happening so, because IPATool communicates directly with both App Store and iTunes, and it mimics iTune’s behavior running on macOS. The best solution to avoid risk is to use a throwaway Apple ID.

3. Will I be able to download any paid apps for free using IPATool?

No, it’s not possible. IPATool only lets you download IPAs of your owned apps with a license.

4. Can I sideload iOS apps that are unsupported on Apple Silicon Macs using IPATool?

Even though this was possible previously, with the new versions it’s not possible anymore. However, you can obtain a copy of the desired iOS app and codesign the app using an adhoc signature with the help of a jailbroken device, and then run it on App Silicon.

Also, there are more ways to install IPAs with or without jailbreak. Check out the TutuBox app  and Taig9 IPA Store for installing IPAs without jailbreak and the Reprovision Reborn app to install IPAs on jailbroken devices.

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